Sold TH8, Level :57 Builders 3. Name:Jon Snow Soldiers:...

Discussion in 'Clash of Clan Accounts | COC Account for Sale' started by Ridwan Zune, 7/25/15.

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  1. Ridwan Zune

    Ridwan Zune
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    TH8, Level :57 Builders 3. Name:Jon Snow Soldiers: 1.Barbarians: Lvl 4 2.Archers: Lvl 4 3.Giants: Lvl 4 4.Goblins: Lvl 2 5.Wall Breakers :Lvl 4 6. Baloons: Lvl 3 7:Wizard: Lvl 3 8:Healer: Lvl 2 9:Dragon: Lvl 1 10:Minion: Lvl 1 Buildings: 1: Town Hall : Lvl 8 2: Archer Towers: Lvl 7 3: Mortars: Lvl 4 4.Wizard Towers: Lvl 3 5.Tesla: Lvl 2 6: Canons: Lvl 7 7:Castle : Lvl 3 8: Air Defences:Lvl 3 9 Air sweepers: lvl 1 10. Wall Level : 5 and 6 11:Elixr and Gold mines: Lvl 11 12: Elixr and Gold Storages: Lvl 10 I Also Have boom Beach Account if u wanna Buy. Contact Me through: Fb or email or Call me up, [email protected] numb: +88 01622034108 Price: 40$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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