Selling  High End Multiple TD1 end game accounts striker, nomad, pred and more

Discussion in 'The Division Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rkz, 6/30/23.

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  1. Rkz

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    info: DLC's (N/A)
    Commendation score:900+

    great end game starter
    DZ level 49
    has God roll house, m4 and some other guns, has classified gear no full sets
    has great pvp and pve starter builds

    Price: 50 USD

    #2 SOLD

    Account info has:
    R6 and watch dogs 2
    info: DLC's (N/A)
    Commendation score:1500+

    great end game / pvp starter
    DZ level:92
    God roll weapons
    m4, lova, the house and more other guns
    alot of classified sets has
    striker, reclaimer, hunters faith and others missing some pieces
    has great pvp and pve builds

    Price: 200 USD

    Account info has:
    Assassin's creed lll Remasterd, Assassin's creed lv black flag delux edition, Assassin's creed Odyssey,
    Far Cry 3, 4, 5, the crew, silent hunter gold edition and Ghost recon future solider.
    Info: DLC's (Yes)
    Commendation score:2200+

    great final end game
    DZ level 68, UG level 22, LS level 15
    God roll weapons
    m4, lova, the house and more other guns
    alot of classified sets has nomad, predator, lone star, sentry's call, hunters faith and others missing some pieces

    Price: 385 USD

    if interested in buying all i can reduce price
    all accounts are handmade by me

    For payment Bitcoin / csgo skins
    note for csgo depends type of skin

    Discord: i555i
    #1 Rkz, 6/30/23
    Last edited: 7/4/23
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