Selling  Selling stacked w101 account (1 yr membership)

Discussion in 'Wizard101 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by aothekid, 6/29/23.

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  1. aothekid

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    busy with university, and am looking to sell my account. It has 1 years of membership, expiring 5/7/2024 (basically 1 yr from now). Has code wands like dragonclaw blade, also have 2 cloaks of invincibility.

    It has one level 160 max balance, with full aeon, and mire gear. It has max damage quint pet, and a perfect 4(20) pet, with frilly pet for quint damage myth pet as well. Multiple perm mounts.

    Also has a 69 plot couch potato stack, with 90 couch potatoes in total.
    Also has a level 61 myth wizard who is halfway through zafaria, with crafted wintertusk gear.

    Looking to sell it for around 300$, but willing to negotiate. My discord is: mrgordo

    you can also msge me here.
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