Hi. i want to sell my warframe account. i am a hunter founder. warframes: ashe, atlas, banshee, chroma, ember prime, excalibur prime, frost prime, hydroid, inaros, limbo, loki prime, mag prime, mesa, mirage, nekros, nova, nyx prime, oberon, rhino prime, saryn, trinity, valkyr, vauban, volt prime, wukong, zephir. companions: kubrow egg on the hatcher, shade, wyrm prime weapons: primary: boltor prime, karak, latron prime, sybaris dex, hek, snipertron, snipertron vandal, attica, cernos, dread, paris prime. secundary: dex furis, sonicor, despair. melee: broken war, dragon nikana, hate, fang prime. archwing: the original weapons u win with the quest and plus the elytron. i have all the planets un locked, all the quests are done, mastery rank 11, and the labs on my cla have all the weapons and warframes unlocked. selling this account for 200 euros via paypal. pm me if interested
I am interested in your account you can contact me at [email protected] or add me on skype: swtordude