Selling WTS B&S EU-Windrest Blade Master 50 HM 8 560 AP...

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Davide Rossi, 7/5/16.

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  1. Davide Rossi

    Davide Rossi
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    WTS B&S EU-Windrest Blade Master 50 HM 8 560 AP $200 WTS B&S Account EU-Windrest Blade Master 50 HM 8 (Crimson Legion) 560 AP - About 200+ Golds (55 Gold + 150+ on easy selling items) - 1195 Achievement Points - Premium Rank 4 with 16 more days left - Some nice Outfit - 91 Heavenly Energy - 76 Freezing Orbs - A lot of items left from Daily Spin - Hongmoon Skill Breeze (the one with Hongmoon Pellet) - Lightning Draw skill: already bought with Cold Storage Orbs, need only to end quest - 560 AP (4276 crit, 65k HP) - Awakened Scorpio Sword Stage 5 (6 slots) - True Siren Necklace Stage 10, Awakenened Oathbreaker Bracelet Stage 10 - True Siren Earring Stage 10, True Siren Ring Stage 10 - Awakened Siren Belt Stage 10, Hongmoon Energy Stage 1 (15 AP) - Crimson Legion: Rank Elite (5743/8840, 421 insignia) - Addictional level 16 Assassin Please e-mail me at [email protected] for more info or price, thanks! :)
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  2. OP
    Davide Rossi

    Davide Rossi
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  3. OP
    Davide Rossi

    Davide Rossi
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    Bump. Price lowered to 99 (€)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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