Top 100 AQ/AW LEGEND account. 17.2k Prestige, 2.8m RAT R5 Doom, 22 R4 . 42-R3. Every single GOD tier R3 and up. 4 7* champs. ALL TOP 5 PRESTIGE CHAMPS AT R4 SIG 200 OR UP 12.5k Units(400$ worth of units). Suicide masteries unlocked. Plenty of mats/stones etc. 5 generic 6* awakening gems and 7 class. Account with ALL OG information provided, full mail accerss, full control. Change it and make it yours. ALL GAME CONTENT 100% CLEARED. Last few seasons top 600 BG, proof how big and versatile the account is. I spent a lot of years and money playing this game. 500$ preferred through middleman here but I’m open for suggestions. Instead of spending money on july 4th deals get this account and keep the 12.5k units Line app : drama76