Buy Now Secure Order Checkout | PlayerUp Middleman Plat-5 54points ..last seasons all plats and PLATINUM ORDER from last season Ip-3556 rp-60 skins- pharaoh Nidale,superfan Gragas,Victorious Elise,Victorious Morgana + free skins champs:57 -Tresh,Lee sin,Blitzcrank,Le blanc,Zed,Fizz,Lux,Elise,Ahri,Lulu,Yasuo,Orianna,Twisted fate,Anivia,Karma,Nidalee,Jax,Kassadin,Alistar,Shyvana,Teemo,Sivir,Vayne,Soraka,ezreal,morgana,sona,evelynn,poppy,ziggs,caitlyn,rengar,taric,tristana,malphite,yi,udyr,gankplank,syndra,katarina,nasus,zilean,gragas,ashe,nunu,garen, veigar,ryze,amumu,pantheon,annie,fiddlesticks,kayle,sion,twitch,warwick,zyra. mostly was mid acc but u can manage everything 4 full runepages and decent amount of runes. and i would trade this acc for csgo skins/knife
cant seem to edit the page but after evelynn has a lot more champs which post doesnt show lol.. and its platinum boarder*