Sold How to get your first 1,000 real followers ASAP

Discussion in 'All Other Social Media Accounts & Services' started by /u/goodn3wseveryone, 6/24/23.

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  1. /u/goodn3wseveryone

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    Hi guys! As you know, most people struggle to grow on instagram. - but contrary to popular belief it's actually quite straightforward & simple to grow your account when you follow a blueprint of proven growth methods that work.

    Today I'd like to share with you what I've learned in growing my instagram. account to over 100K followers in less than a year without having a prior following on any other social platform or spending any money on it.

    I'll share with you 6 proven steps to grow your account from 0 to 1K+ followers as quickly as possible - with 3 of those being preparation steps to improve your position, and 3 action steps to grow your account.

    Everybody knows getting your first 1K real followers is the hardest part of growing one's instagram. account, so let's discover how you can get from 0 to 1K in roughly ~4 weeks!

    Without further ado, I present to you how to grow your account to 1K+ real followers starting from zero - let's go:

    1. Niche Research

    The most important thing you want to do to start growing your account on instagram. is Niche Research.

    Niche Research means going on instagram. and finding out what other successful accounts in your niche do, so you can copy the best elements and emulate their success.

    The biggest reason people don't find success on instagram. is because they have no clue what they're doing, and simply do what they think will work without ever really informing or educating themselves.

    This is a recipe for disaster and lots of wasted time.

    Niche Research is done by looking up your primary #niche hashtag.

    If you sell tennis gear, that would be #tennis.

    By looking at the Top posts of that hashtag you can quickly find successful accounts within your niche.

    Study these accounts, see what kind of content they post, what hashtags they use, what their profile looks like and take note of all of that.

    I define successful accounts to be accounts with 10K+ followers that have an average or above average engagement rate.

    The first step is to simply dive in and discover this new world of successful accounts within your niche, so you see what is possible.

    If you discover any accounts that particularly resonate with you, follow them, write them down, or remember them otherwise - you're going to need these accounts later on!

    2) Hashtags Research

    The second step is Hashtag Research.

    You want to find atleast 80 hashtags that are relevant in your niche, so you can construct a hashtag strategy.

    Put them in a sheet, also record the number of posts in each hashtag (= hashtag size), and then as a beginner follow this hashtag strategy:

    · Select 15 hashtags from the 15k-100k hashtag size range

    · Select 10 hashtags from 100k-250k hashtag size range

    · Select 5 hashtags with 250k+ hashtag size

    Use this set of 30 hashtags in the post caption of your future instagram. posts to get more followers.

    3) Profile Optimization

    Now it's time for Profile Optimization.

    In order to convert a higher percentage of people who stumble upon your account into followers, you need a fully optimized instagram. profile.

    That includes:

    1. Your profile pic & bio
    2. Your content
    3. Your instagram. story highlight reel

    To know what to put into these different areas is the precise reason we've started with Niche Research.

    Consult your list of successful accounts in your niche and emulate what seems to work for them and what resonates with you.

    Here are a few pointers:

    · Make sure you really stand out with your profile pic and bio! Be memorable.

    · Use emojis in your bio and break up the text for more readability.

    · Use SEO keywords in your bio to increase your account reach through search queries. (Example for meditation keyword)

    · Have at least 9 posts on your profile and make them look interesting and fitting for your niche! (very important)

    · Make your instagram. story highlight reel interesting and attention grabbing. (refer to the successful accounts in your niche for ideas) Example

    Once you've done all that, you've prepared your instagram. account so it can grow more rapdily.

    The next step is to apply the actual growth methods.

    As a small account you have to use what I call "linear growth methods" to grow most quickly.

    Here are 3 examples:

    1. Growth method #1: Post more often in a day

    The most important aspect of growing an instagram. account is posting content.

    Preferably good content. (Example of virally potent posts)

    Check the successful accounts in your ‘niche research’ as well as their Best Performing Posts to get an idea of what that might look like.

    Unlike YouTube that has an algorithm and search function, which regularly makes even older videos receive lots of views and go viral, instagram. needs a constant stream of new content to grow your account.

    Your instagram. posts receive about 98% of their total engagement within the first 48 hours of uploading.

    After that the post is basically dead as far as new engagement and increasing your followers goes.

    Still, posting is the #1 method for getting new followers, so an easy way of increasing your followers is simply by posting more!

    And it’s easy to see why:

    If one post brings you x amount of followers, then 2 posts will bring you 2x the amount of followers.

    Simple math!

    How often should you post on your account?

    If you are serious about growing your account, at least once a day is a MUST for you - perhaps even twice a day or three times a day.

    More often than that is likely to start annoying your followers a little, but it all depends on the niche you’re in - check how often other successful accounts in your niche post.

    That said, I understand some individuals or businesses might not be able to or even want to post that many times a day - and that’s fine.

    You can certainly go by with posting less than once a day - just don’t expect to get the fastest instagram. growth possible if you do so.

    In the end, it’s about the growth YOU want, and there are many more methods besides posting to increase your followers.

    2) Growth method #2: Leave polarizing comments on big accounts' posts (in your niche)

    With this growth strategy the goal is to occupy all the limelight within the comment section of a popular post inside your niche.

    You want to get as many likes on your comment as possible, which will rank your comment to the top of the comment section - giving it a lot of exposure.


    Regardless of how many followers you have, everybody has the same shot at getting many likes on comments!

    The only thing this comment example above is lacking is a clear incentive to check out the account:

    Because the personal story is missing, I can’t relate and connect on a deeper level.

    So when you drop these sorts of comments I recommend you make it personal, relatable and memorable!

    The likes will have people intrigued and they’ll check out your profile to see what you’re all about.

    The result: Many more followers.

    Don’t be afraid to be polarizing with your comments, but don’t be condescending, negative or disrespectful.

    3) Growth method #3: Liking people's comments & pictures within your niche

    A great way for being noticed by people in your niche is to like their comments and pictures.

    Most people haven’t turned off their instagram. notifications and will be notified when you like their comments or pictures - often resulting in them checking out your account.



    When liking people’s pictures, always like 2 or 3 at once - 1 or 2 of their most recent pictures and also an older one to really give the impression you have been checking out what they’re doing.


    (You want to be doing this on smaller accounts than my own, though! Big accounts get so many likes everyday I can’t possibly keep track of who is liking my posts.)

    Thanks for the read!

    For more detailed guidance on how to get your first 1,000 followers and beyond I've written a comprehensive and FREE guide that comes with all the necessary "research sheet templates", step-by-step instructions and insights you need to set up your account, optimize your profile and grow your account to 1K+ followers in the shortest amount of time possible!

    You can read the full guide for FREE here:

    From 0 To 1K+ Followers ASAP guide

    This guide gives you an array of 15 powerful growth methods you can use to crack the 1,000+ followers milestone in the shortest amount of time possible as well as 5 common pitfalls to avoid, when growing your account in the initial stages of your instagram. growth.

    Hope you find that helpful in growing a strong social following & eventually making a fortune from your passion with instagram. like I've done!


    # #/goodn3wseveryone
    . .
    #1 /u/goodn3wseveryone, 6/24/23
    Last edited by a moderator: 3/15/24
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