Level 45 battle proven base GO straight in and fight not farm! This an alt and with the new mark upgrade system I do not have time to give it the attention needed. The account has ALL the event ships apart from condor (why bother) and rapture (not upgrade-able) Also all the vsec BPs complete and all vega BPs appart from level 50 vega tier (never really bothered with these). Most event tech already won as well as the ships. Ships Built:- Fleet of 6 high Mk gharials 1xmk5, 4xmk4 and 1xmk3 Fleet of 6 pythons Fleet of 6 Taipan 2 Rags 1 Valhalla 2 Midguard (Freya and Valkyrie available but not built) 3 Dreads 11 Revs 3 Apocs 1 Lance 2 Tridents 13 Venoms Fleet of FVF Broads Lots of Smaller ships (eg. ~90 rancour battleships) Account currently also has > 2000 coins as well and lots of patterns and crafting materials.
Correction. I just checked and do not yet have the Corinthian or Osprey but do have the bps for: Zeal, Vigilante, Machete, Heretic, Valkyrie, Freya, Hurricane (1 built), Komodo