GOW Account for Sale - asking $250 USD K208 - Eudocia SH21 - 28.69M ~240,000 Gold (12K in Treasury) High Roller and Gift Mode Hero Lv 49 @ ~101,000,000 (3 Purple Chalices, 1 Purple playerup.com, 1 Gold Icarus Wings and more) VIP Prestige 7 with 119,600 points; VIP on for 46 days as of 1/10/15. 9 VIP for 7 days and more 301,000 Troops 80K Armored Pikemen 80K Guardians 80K Companion Cavalry 61K Siege Tower Buildings at 21: Villa, Forge, Barracks, Marketplace, Gymnos, Watchtower, Walls, Hospital, Storehouse, Farm, Mine, Quarry, Lodging Camp Academy at 20; Hall, Alter and Prison at 16; 6 more hospitals at 20, 11 more farms at 20, 3 more lodging camps at 18, 4 more quarry at 18, 3 more mine at 18, 5 more villas at 18/19 29 8 hr shields, 2 24 hr shields, Speed ups: 1 30 day, 3 3 day, 29 24 hr, 55 15 hr, 85 8 hr, 77 3 hour, 252 60 min, 265 15 mins, 203 10 min, 141 5 min Many 7 day resource boosts, 2 epic teleport, 63 daily chances, 68 alliance chances, 5 VIP chances, 21 random and 5 advanced teleports, 1 master hammer, 4K shackles, 1330 books of war, 21 war bonds, 119 war commissions, lots of hero energy restores Resources: Stone: 6x of 5M, much more Wood: 11x of 5M, much more Ore: 3x of 15M, 19x of 5M, much more Food: 6x of 20M, 16x of 6M, 21x of 2M, much more Silver: 7x of 2M, much more Research: Inf Attack (8), Range Attack (7), Cavalry Attack (7), Siege Attack (6) Inf Def (7), Range Def (7), Cavalry Def (7), Siege Def (6) Troop Health and Defense at 6 Wall Traps T3 unlocked (reg and strategic), Attack (6) and Defense (7) Construction 10 Stone Prod 9 Food Prod 9 Ore Prod 9 Wood Prod 9 March Speed 9 Troop Load 8 Gathering 7 Multiple Legendary Materials and multiple level 5 and 6 gems