Sold Wasteland King for dummies.... Any experts of this event able to ELI5 for people who are confused.

Discussion in 'Puzzles & Survival Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/PlayerAteHer, 6/23/23.

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  1. /u/PlayerAteHer

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    I've played the game for a few months and up to now I've been forced to not be involved in WK, which suited me as I was often busy, because our state had set alliances who could participate and there were minimum requirements which I was always under. So I just helped where I could by shielding and setting camps in and around the mud/black surface.

    This time I had strong enough troops to join the event, but had no clue what to do and how to score points. I feel like many other players are in the same situation where they don't understand it and feel afraid to get involved in case they do the wrong thing.

    So anyone who has a great degree of understanding regarding Wasteland King, that would be happy to explain the Do's and Do nots of the event. Any strategy to maximize achieving the points at the cheapest cost and anything you think might be helpful to know would be appreciated by me and I'm sure many others. Or even if you are not an expert but managed to achieve the maximum amount of points and want to share your story on how you got the points, how much it cost you in resources and troops etc that would be helpful.

    # #/PlayerAteHer
    . .
    #1 /u/PlayerAteHer, 6/23/23
    Last edited by a moderator: 8/2/23
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