Selling Sell 4 Castle COK at KD 116 The main castle lvl 22...

Discussion in 'Clash of Kings Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rezaldo Hidayat, 1/18/16.

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  1. Rezaldo Hidayat

    Rezaldo Hidayat
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    Sell 4 Castle COK at KD 116 The main castle lvl 22 Troop lvl 8, lvl 7 and lvl 6 Power 4 m in already lvl 20 except troop train lvl 22 Wall lvl 21 Depot lvl 21 Wishing well lvl 21 Drill ground lvl 22 Hall lvl 17 food 20.8jt Wood 55.6 jt Iron 2.9 jt Mithril 1.1 jt Gold 55 453 Blessing 1176 Rss castle lvl 16 Troop lvl 6 and lvl 5 Power 1.2 jt Lvl 16 in all Wood 71.3 jt Food 51.4 jt Iron 2.3 jt Mithril 393k Gold 56 114 Blessing 1012 Rss castle lvl 16 Troop lvl 6 and lvl 5 Power 600K Lvl 16 in all Wood 62.4 jt Food 71.4 jt Iron 1.5 jt Mithril 460k Gold 53990 Blessing 1040 Rss castle lvl 15 (lg up lvl 16) Power 300k Troop lvl 5 In all lvl 15 Wood 24.1 jt Food 35.4 jt Iron 1.3 jt Mithril 287k Gold 8475 Blessing 451 Castle Bonus lvl 11 Wood 11 jt Food 12.6 jt Gold 9543 Blessing 262 For those who interest please inbox Last updated Date 03-01-2016
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