Selling Is anyone selling a level 21 base with t4s unlocked

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Damian Mc Gill, 4/24/16.

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  1. Damian Mc Gill

    Damian Mc Gill
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    Is anyone selling a level 21 base with t4s unlocked
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    Dante Martin

    Dante Martin
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    59mil account in state 25 $700 obo
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    Damian Mc Gill

    Damian Mc Gill
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    Has it got t4s ?
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    Carl Johnston

    Carl Johnston
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    I'm selling a 165 million account in #126. 18th in state with 1.5m t4, 2.5m t3 and 500k t1 70m core power $3500
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    Jersey G-West Doe

    Jersey G-West Doe
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    165 mill all T4 unlocked plus 1.372 million in GOLD / billion in ammo over a billion in mix rss plus speed ups and two farm acc HQ 18&16 state #198
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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