Selling Clash of Lords 2 account with all epics. So cheap...

Discussion in 'Clash of Lords Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Clash of Lords Accounts - Buy Sell Trade, 3/3/15.

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  1. Clash of Lords Accounts - Buy Sell Trade

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    Clash of Lords 2 account with all epics. So cheap and 100% Secure INFO: -Lvl 69. (ANDROID ACCOUNT) -Town Hall lvl 9. -4 builders. -900 jewels. -404 mutagen. -High ranked -more info on images. -------------------------- EPICS: -Blitz Bomber: lvl 123 evolved. Sharpshooters: lvl 22. Hero skill: lvl 8. -Blockhead: lvl 120. Executioner: lvl 22. Hero skill: lvl 7. -Pounder: lvl 120 evolved. Ox Warrior: lvl 20. Hero skill: lvl 8 -Pan Goli: lvl 120 evolved. Wizard: lvl 25. hero skill: lvl 10. -Renee Ven: lvl 120 evolved. Sharpshooter: lvl 23. Hero skill: lvl 8. -HERO AID: epic heros from lvl 55 to 60 -------------------------- IMAGES: Click here to view the original image of 820x461px. Click here to view the original image of 820x461px. Click here to view the original image of 820x461px. PRICE: 35$ (#) ONLY PAYPAL CONTACT: Email: [email protected]
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  2. OP
    Mdy A Msjaja

    Mdy A Msjaja
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    hello! i am intrested in buying your account. this is my first time doing this so you will have to explain to me how this will work and how to keep the account secure. thanks! email me @ [email protected] if you are intrested in buying or selling
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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