End-game account that allows easy completion of: Nightmare Distance Island 20 in Guild wars, both KAW and non-KAW and PvP 2000 in weekly challenge, but can put a little extra effort to complete the challenge Top 10% in Last Stand Daily challenge Time-permitting I can complete the weekly challenge, although I usually try to get about 3,500 stars. My challenge high score is 5285. SMY and SPY (Sasha-Merer-Yumiko, Sasha-Princess-Yumiko) set up makes any guild war map easy to complete. Good teams for PvP attacks as well, both in Guild wars and Outpost. Outpost set up also regularly successfully defends (unfortunately, can't see any stats in-game in relation to how well Guid War defenders do) I don't put much effort in Last Stand, except when rewards that week are useful (e.g. Michonne's Cat, Dog) All buildings upgraded apart of Workshop and 1 Supplies Storage. Workshop not upgraded yet for tactical reasons: Only 2 survivors at level 30 (Sasha and Mercer) and weapons upgraded to level 32. This means Island 20 in GWs is still limited to level 50. Upgrade all survivors and weapons best done when a 5s event is on whilst 2x XP is available - this allows ALL survivors and weapons to be maxed. Good badges on all survivors and excellent range of weapons/armor available. More than happy to provide more screenshots!