Seven knight account server global and asia $1 - เทศบาลนครนนทบุรี Sell 2 account of seven knight server global and asia I would like to sell several account due to I don't play these account anymore. First account for global server Level 56 Full mastery until 2nd page still have 200day event and may's premium chest gold 3,441,296 ruby 2,663 topas 630 arena should be around 3000 Detail of heroes you can see at account Tiger747 Second account for asia server Level 51 Full mastery until 2nd page still have may's premium chest gold 2,058,910 ruby 2,905 topaz 50 Arena should be around 4000 Detail of heroes you can see at account Tiger707 I will accept any offer, I don't plan to play these account anymore. If the price that you propose is pass my expectation I will sell, but if not the one who give me the highest price will get it (till next Friday night). Pm me for your proposal.or email to me [email protected]