Selling HQ 19 - 27m power - #86 EAAF 715K Troops (360k...

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jamie Carpenter, 6/23/16.

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  1. Jamie Carpenter

    Jamie Carpenter
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    HQ 19 - 27m power - #86 EAAF 715K Troops (360k lavs - 145k inf & tactial, rest are are t2s) Prestige 1 - Level 10 (been saving up points for prestige 2) 44k Gold Best Alliance + State has not lost a single SVS battle since launch Not looking for mega amounts, im only selling as i just cba with the game anymore - Should be able to get to t4 if you can push hard enough and you are willing to upgrade the 3d's (prison, war room, execution) can negoiate price.- id like to sell the account and put the money towards a charity as i just simply dont want to bother playing anymore The Charity ill be giving the money to is Lex's Legacy if u have any questions or want any pictures then you'll have to pm me , ill keep managing the account until then.
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