Selling 21HQ | 60Mil power, 70k t1, 150k t2, 875k t3 trops...

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Francisco Jose Rodriguez Adan, 6/27/16.

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  1. Francisco Jose Rodriguez Adan

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    21HQ | 60Mil power, 70k t1, 150k t2, 875k t3 trops Hello all Im selling my trap Account with 6,4 mill of dead. The Account is located in State [HASHTAG]#158[/HASHTAG] Guos Commander Level 50 Tons of Items and Materials 125k traps t4 I'm a great trap account, whit full equipment trap 1000 $ I have 565k gold and I am in the alliance number1 with level gift to 21 Account traps is very funny and you don't need to spend more money. Serious payment by PayPal More info send me a message Thanks
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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