Trading [MR 10] I will go first - zero risk of scam

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kfugh, 6/21/16.

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  1. Kfugh

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    Price $:
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    - Beefed up primary (oro + lots forma)
    - Excellent kubrow and sentinel; formaed, oro and mod ranked up.
    - Two good melee weapons and a prime one to mention some.
    - Most if not all mods are ranked up to max
    - Frost (Forma+oro)
    - Lots void keys
    - OVER 30 forma bp, over 5 forma
    - Decent amount of oro catalyst bp and actual item, and oro reactor
    - 5M+ credit, 500 plat, 500+ ducat
    - 100+ gold cores

    I will hand the account over to you once I can confirm you have the trade goods I want ($25 value). Once you've secured the account it will be your turn to give me what I ask for. I will go in depth about what we need to do to secure the account so contact me as soon as possible.
    Why am I taking the risk of getting scammed? I'm bored and want to trade the account by any means necessary.

    SKYPE: Caldf2
    Contact me ASAP
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