Selling LVL 16 700K GOLD WITH 3 OTHER BASES $600 - Fort...

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hunter Micheal Manlove, 6/19/16.

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  1. Hunter Micheal Manlove

    Hunter Micheal Manlove
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    LVL 16 700K GOLD WITH 3 OTHER BASES $600 - Fort Riley, KS (66442) SELLING A LVL 16, 35 mil base with 700k gold, thousands of hours of speed ups, lvl 48 co, prestige 2 VIP 8, vault lvl 2 unlocked with Multiple sets of legendary gear, and 800k troops! Bases is fully equipped with everything you need to become a lvl 21 power house! Along with this base is a lvl17 10 mil base with everything needed to make a very strong trap base! Hundreds of materials and speed ups and 200k t3s! Has a lvl 47 co with VIP 8 prestige 1! Lvl 16 base at 5mil that could easily be turned into any play style you like!! 90 k hospital bed space! Great food production boost! Tons of speed ups with VIP lvl8 prestige 1 and lvl 47 co! Vault level two unlocked!!! Also included is a lvl 9 farm with nothing bought on it which means fresh cheap 5 dollar deals!!!! Almost completely maxed for its level and can make a great main base to restart on or stay as an amazing farm!! All accounts need to be sold together and asking 600 obo!! Pics of lvl 16 base with 700k gold below
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    Jin Kim

    Jin Kim
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    Hunter Micheal Manlove

    Hunter Micheal Manlove
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    Almo 184
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