US maats cap Taru, 100+3 leathercrafting, 100 fishing, 9x73 ( 1 2 3)

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Final Fantasy XI, 3/22/12.

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  1. Final Fantasy XI

    Final Fantasy XI
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    Hello Everyone I want sell this account

    OO information available
    Linked to square enix ID
    Transfer : UP
    71722k Imperial Standing
    Gils: 2m
    Character : Taru male with short gray hair

    Crafts :

    Main character leathercraft 100+3 ( all subs 60 except synergy its on lv 20, Fishing 100 )
    Mule 1: Alchemy 8(Smithing 14 only others 0 )
    Guild point : 54116
    Key Items : Anima synthesis
    Mule2 : Cooking 100 With hat and apron
    Guild point : 85k
    Key Items :Raw fishing handling,Patissier


    -Atma and Seals

    AF2: Alot of jobs ready to equip when you reach lv 75

    Drg 87
    Whm 70
    BLM 93
    Ice&Lightning potency: 5/5

    Attributes :
    Int : 2 merits

    -Magic Skills
    -Enfeebling Magic Skill 3 merit
    -Elemental Magic Skill 2

    am looking for 580$ for this account no less. No useless comment Too high price for this account Please.

    WU only, already sold my Own account with WU no middleman
    if buyer want use middleman he will pay for it, I have 3 accounts on the way
    Wont fraud anyone .
    (i`ll send all information faster then hypersonic when i receive money )

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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