I trade this account from EUW against an Overwatch account. He was plat IV in the season 5. I've got 11 pages of runes and they are full. My account has 51 skins and 113 champions. Now he is Gold V. Skins : -Mecha Aatrox -Popstar Ahri -Challenger Ahri -Blood Moon Akali -Noxus Hunter Anivia -Infernal Diana -Soul reaver Draven -Primetime Draven -Union Jack Fiddlesticks -Nightraven Fiora -Void Fizz -Nightblade Irelia -Order of the lotus Irelia -Temple Jax -Blood Moon Kalista -Cosmic reaver Kassadin -Mercenary Katarina -Red Card Katarina -Kitty cat Katarina -Riot Kayle -Shadowfire Kindred -Mistletoe Leblanc -Ravenborn Leblanc -Dragonfist Lee Sin -SKT T1 Lee Sin -Infernal Mordekaiser -Victorius Morgana -Infernal Nasus -Radgoll Poppy -Galactic Renekton -Redeemed Riven -Crimson Elite Riven -Battle Bunny Riven -Dragonblade Riven -Arcade Riven -Champion ship Shyvana -Victorius Sivir -Champion ship Thresh -Rocket Girl Tristana -Spirit Guard Udyr -Arctic Ops Varus -Arclight Vayne -SKT T1 Vayne -Dragon Slayer Vayne -Final Boss Veigar -Old Saint Zilean -Shockblade Zed -Project Yasuo -Blood Moon Yasuo -Commando Xin Zhao -Firefang Warwick