Selling Can fk tank mb or nah??

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dava Goree, 6/14/16.

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  1. Dava Goree

    Dava Goree
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    Can fk tank mb or nah??
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    Mauricio Poblete

    Mauricio Poblete
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    Mauricio Poblete

    Mauricio Poblete
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    Fk tank can tank anything.
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    Scarlett Stone

    Scarlett Stone
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    Yes they can. There is a video on YouTube of a fk tanking monkey however he used 2 heals. The problem with fk is that they have no interrupt for purple ads
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    Trevor Gregoire

    Trevor Gregoire
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    Dava Goree

    Dava Goree
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    Rawa S. Omer

    Rawa S. Omer
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    For mb maybe yes but for a harder boss there is no doubt team must be overgeared so they can carry the tank. Warrior tanks are way bette.
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    Edz Esmeralda

    Edz Esmeralda
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    Trevor Gregoire

    Trevor Gregoire
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    My usual healer says it's easier to heal me than a pro as all hell war tank
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