Greetings, I am selling my Heroes Charge account on Server 48. This account is at level 101 and I currently have all available heroes. My VIP level is at 13 and I currently need 29,800 points to reach VIP 14 (see attached photo) Team experience is 35632 of 77550, but I have not completed any daily quests for the day yet so that will change. I have currently 1,408 gems and over 43 million in gold. Total Heroes Power is about 940K and Heroes Stars is 433 total. Additionally I get all 4 cards and will continue to do so until this account sells. Currently as you can see from the picture there are the following left on the cards: 7 days on weekly 4 days left on monthly 24 days on season 204 days on annual You can look at the pictures but I will also list here for ease all my heroes. Unless otherwise noted all heroes are 5*. Legendary heroes have a (L) after their name. Unless otherwise noted all heroes are level 101: Red +1 Heroes Admiral (L) Tusked Storm Cleric (L) Imperial Executioner (L) Ember Blade Master Mage (L) Dwarf Warrior (L) Nymph of Sea Ancient Protector Manipulator Desert Lycan Griffin Corrupted Angel Rose Fencer Troll Princess Sorceress (only 3*10/100) Red Heroes Brute (L) Hidden Needle Succubus(L) Ice Mage(L) Arcane Sapper Drunken Master(L) Death Bringer Death Mage Phoenix Nature Storm Swordmaster(L) Forest Guardian Commander (L) Chemist Turtle Fighter Cat Fencer Disease Bringer Death Knight Puppet Master (only 4*3/150) Ghost Knight (only 3*16/100) Demon Assassin (only 2*16/50) Orange +2 Heroes Emberstar (L) Crossed Knight Poisoned One (L) Cloud Walker Rifleman (L) Silencer Iron Hoof Depth's Voice (L) Bear Warrior (L) Chaplain Queen of Curse Commando Vanguard Warrior Dungeon Keeper Shallows Keeper (L) Witch Psychopath (L) Soulhunter Fallen Dominion Pilot Ninja Assassin Stormlord (L) Machinist Enchantress Vengeance Spirit War Chief Ghost Musician Professional Killer (L) Wind Master (L) Shadowleaf Warrior Monk Devastator (only 4*74/150) Orange +1 Heroes Deathgore Shadow Shaman Mystic (L) Lightning Elemental Wandering Spearman Lunar Guardian Old Curse Frost Mage Savage One Scorpion Queen (only 4* 98/150) Elder Giant (only 3*89/100) Inferno (only 1* 10/20) Orange Heroes Sniper Light Bringer (currently working on Legendary 33/60 shards) Iron Dragon Lightning Master Dope King (only 3* 43/100) Wizard Doctor (only 3* 79/100 and Level 85) Purple +4 and Below P4 Ice Spirit (only 4* 16/150 and Level 84) P4 Ferryman (only 4* 59/150 and Level 80) P4 Psychic Sword (only 4* 59/150 and Level 80) P1 Mountain (only 4* 145/150 and Level 58) P1 Tarot Prophet (only 3* 0/100 and Level 53) Pictures will follow when I can get them uploaded into the system.
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/eT52t"><a href="//">Heroes Charge</a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
What information are you specifically looking for? I now have 49, 292 team experience. For my 4 cards I have the following remaining: 7 days on weekly card: 700 gems 27 days on monthly card: 3,240 gems 17 days on season card: 2,550 gems 197 days on annual card: 35, 460 gems TOTAL REMAINING: 64, 900 already paid for gems I currently have 3, 437 gems in my inventory and almost 23 million gold, but I have not collected a single thing today so that will increase after I collect my daily cards, booty cave and double crusade. Total heroes power is now up to about 952K, up from 940K in the original post and I have an extra star for one of my heroes. Let me know if there is anything else you want to know.