Want to sell pro monk. Android. With mail. Royal lvl 8. 700+ PvP tablets. 700+ PvE tablets. Heal: PvP: 6/6 s3 4-5 lvl gems (about 40% lvl 5) PvE: use 4/6 t4 + 2/2 RFL 5/4/4 lvl gems (33% lvl 5 gems) 6-7 lvl gems. Many lvl 4 gems in chest Mili monk: PvP: 6/6 s3 4/5/5 gems (66% lvl 5 gems) PvE: use 4/6 t4 + 2/2 RFL set 5/5/5 gems (100% lvl 5 gems) 4-5 lvl gems in chest. For lvl 7 gem need only sigil. Have many cool mounts, pets. PM me if you interested http://graph.facebook..com/1791755844389727/picture