VIP 11 = 15700/20000 ( to Vip 12 ) Won 5 times Guild Tournament out of 7 times, Around 30 DA away from 4 star One of the top player and officer in top Guild in server 148 All power = 716 172 Grand power = 184758 Anual card = 222 days left Monthly card = 1 day left Season Card = 49 days left All equipment are fully enhanced from Orange to Red 1 ( All heroes at lvl 99 are fully skilled ) i couldnt seem to upload all image as it limit to 10 images only. Please add me up in whatsap +60126534262 for more pictures. 16 R1 hero 9 R hero 22 O2 hero
Would prefer you to contact me via whatsap as I'm not very familiar with LINE. But my number is +60126534262. Just got a few more heroes to R1 fully equip, will keep on improving until my account sold.
Can you add me Facebook.? My Facebook. E-mail address is [email protected] ( Real name : Weng Fatt ) Or u can download whatsap and look for me via this number +60126534262