Want to sell or trade this account for blue dragon account. selling price is #. really want to trade for blue dragon account of equal merids. Name: SATURN server: silver viper Meridians: emei 144/144 WV: 139/180 beggars: 180/180 Wudang: 144/180 scholars: 144/180 tangen: 144/144 Rg: 144/144 shaolin: 144/144 Sets quizhi sword(rage and red armor skill level 8) Flying cloud (8-10) Mozi sword (level 8 rage) heaven net(level 8) eight lotus breaking move(6) drifting cloud sword (3-4) Heartless c7 (3) astonishing goose blade( can be 8) victorious staff (6) weapon manuals: Sword 244 double string 194 has jade gear in bank yin soft was gathering . Has old c5 tai chi gold set in bank . Currently in scholar in prep for mt hua but you can betray. also has 30 gold on hand to be used to get vip. pretty much all the hard work is done yo just need to pick a place and max out your inner whatnot. [email protected] hit me up for further details.