Top 100 AQ/AW LEGEND account. 17k Prestige, 2.5m RAT R5 Doom, 14 R4 - Mats for one more R4. 40-R3. Every single GOD tier R3 and up. 4 generic 6* awakening gems and 6 class. Generic 6* sig stones +5 x 22 and +1x89 generic. Plenty of class stones. Take anyone to MAX sig. 4500 Units, Suicide masteries unlocked. Account with ALL OG information provided, change it and make it yours. ALL GAME CONTENT 100% CLEARED. Last few seasons top 600 BG, proof how big and versatile the account is. I spent a lot of years and money playing this game. 500$ preferred through middleman here but I’m open for suggestions. Line app : drama76