It hard finding a tank or a healer (depending on which I get first) for monkey boss. Whenever I ask, people pm me asking if I am paying. If I was able to get better tank gears than t3 then I would just have to find dps and tank it on my own but sadly I can't tank flare dungeons for t4 blues and no one wants dps war for those dungeons as well
Well as a healer I've taken 2.5 tanks through all flares so yes long as U have a decent healer U can absolutely tank flares in t3 or whatever U r wearing what server and platform
Do U have more than just you warrior? That may be better geared for flares? If so use them and gear your tank with armor from chests that's how I fully equipped my fk by running my monk also look at it this way if it's hard for U to find groups for flares then U should have plenty of mats to craft your t4 as soon as U find it I'm sorry I can't B more helpful for you
It's fine. Im more of the dps person so I have better dps gear than tank gear. And my war is only toon I have with better gear than the other two classes I have
Most warriors say they would rather dps than tank I totally understand that however as a healer for me I have much more use for a tank . So much easier to get what U need like groups or gear if U tank being on at IOS U should have no issues finding a healer that can carry U in bnl and csl til U find enough gear for idl. And actually I healed a warrior through idl with 42k stam. It wasn't easy but possible just keep spamming global
Complete bnl and csl really needs a good healer. I have healed in both dungeons without a tank. Dd war, mage and arch. Tanking on blue gears should be good enough.
I did csl as dps war but I wasn't the one tanking. I am going to go on to find out where each t4 tank gear drops. Thanks for the helps guys. I did monkey last night and messed up -- I forgot to equip my grave axes. But I still think if I did equip my axes before we would still fail because tank was low hp and his health dropping a lot even though monkey was on full hp
If U have a good enough healer yes U can tank csl ad did war U can also do bnl as dd war not tanking but U gotta have a good mate or archer to pick up solo dps on sb once he starts dropping acid and U have to run away
Cool Ligia!! Thanks! What's your oac toon name? I think you can do it as healer, because the healer and tank I already have have other toons capable of doing monkey