Selling  Android and iOS  High End [Blood Rose (EU)] Crusader | Paragon 672 | CR 13838 | Resonance 1750 +2

Discussion in 'Diablo Immortal Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gabberr, 5/25/23.

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  1. Gabberr

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    Due to lack of time, I am selling a very upgraded account in the game Diablo immortal. Account on the "blood rose" server - base and twink + twink on "dark exile" (I moved to another server, but transferred only the base and created a second twin already there). In total, there are 3 characters on one account - all crusaders.

    Base data:

    combat rating 13838
    - paragon 672
    - resonance 1750
    - class - crusader

    Twinks are purely for farming platinum, so they have modest characteristics. All comprehensive information in the screenshots for all accounts.

    By the time of the game, so that you understand the complexity of pumping - I played from the first day of release until mid-March 2023, almost 9 months of daily farming for 5-12 hours.

    The basis with an excellent reputation on the current server, was in the top clan, on the previous server was the head of the clan.




    I accept payment: PayPal, #, Credit Card. Transaction through an site midleman or 100% prepayment.

    Contact: tg/discord: red_pr0
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