I am selling a very Powerful Account. Loygame Server 1. Level 60,VIP2. Full Legendary Equipment:Helmet,Armor,Weapon and Cloak. No Earrings,Godlike Pendant of Bravery,Legendary Right side. Champion in 3 Seasons. Gold: 750 PvP Medals: 920 With Godlikes: -Darius the Darkhand -Gork Irongut -King Vel'Assar -Tarsis -Diabolos Tarot: The High Priestess Specialist : The Djinn x2 Some Notable Legendary Cards: -Eacann The Charger -Desperate Soul -Cain the Traitor -Chief-Warden Ariella -Elven Rebel -Velyn the Unscarred -Mifzuna the Wind -Fenris The Butcher -Ryli the White Witch -Sensei Calista -Gringheist -Sorann the Unforgiving -Juliet -King's Emissary Alice -Nuwa -God of Magpie -Healer Wyte -Calico Jack -Zeus-King of The Gods -Freya -Set -Horus -Blessed Dragonkin -Judge Cathlyn -Lilith the Betrayer -Emperor Augustus -Pisces -Onslaught Knight Lawrence -Swift Astral -Watchman Kayne -Armageddon -Scorch x3 -Lightning Tempest x3 -Hell Hands Some very Power Epic Cards: -Famous Puglist -Zeeva Stonebreaker -Fenris the Butcher -Klaus Stortebeker -Edna -Joe -Lorie -Human Bride -Valentine Lolita Troll -Redmaw Addlemace Asking Price is and I will not go below 1500 USD
Update Just a small update on the Account. Level 61 now,we got the Earrings now too,so we have a Complete Equipment Set. Gold is at 1380. Price : 1350 USD
Update Price: 1200 USD ,but if You pay 1500 USD You get 2 Accounts,this Account and one of thee best Accounts on the platform of LoyGame.