Selling Hey android guys lets go against gameloft and dont...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Joshua Herde, 3/4/13.

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    Sven Lalla

    Sven Lalla
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    It doesn't matter that PL is a crappy game. The point is, is it possible to update a game which uses the same servers for iOS an Android? Answer: Yes, it is possible! There are many games in Playstore which uses same servers. And not all are crap. Shadowgun Deadzone for example. GL just look for an excuse to prefer iOS.
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    Sven Lalla

    Sven Lalla
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    Topic: It's useless to quit the game for a few days. That doesn't harm GL. If you want to protest, than the most players on server should stop buying runes for a month or something. And it shouldn't be the point to get more updates. The point should be to get a better support and customer care.
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    Giordan Gabriele

    Giordan Gabriele
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    Em guys when Gameloft do a manteniance in Android we cant play for a day... What you think will happen if they start do a lot of updates... We cant play for a year... :-\
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    Joshua Herde

    Joshua Herde
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    Gameloft have a crap support and customer cares.....rune gold and soul this is server side how # it when? Answer is gameloft is to stupid to make a safe game........wallhack......hello? There is a APPLICATION in playstore and everywhere in the internet u find a other way to wallhack....and gameloft still cant make it away? Its like u write a test and have the correct answers in front of u but u still write a 6 in the test....then they make stupid bugs...champions mou t 0, 5% to 5% ....they dknt look whwt they tip in there computers? Or the rune bug at the last update....they dont read a correct in there things what they do i think..........never heard or see ANY of this fails in pocket legends.te cc's and the support is so much better there.this is what i want to say.
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    Joshua Herde

    Joshua Herde
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    How # it? Answer is gameloft is too stupid to make there servers Safe*
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    Adrian Savic

    Adrian Savic
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    Matteo is right we just have to be patient nothing else.
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