Selling Server Under Maintance

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mehmet Emin Şahin, 4/2/13.

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    Stephan van den Hoek

    Stephan van den Hoek
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    It so less fun now.I drop relic in ehl..but now everyone have it and it isn't special anymore..
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    Sylke Kat

    Sylke Kat
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    Oh yes like my dagger from slc :( all have from wb :( blue players have lava *_*
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    Stephan van den Hoek

    Stephan van den Hoek
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    Haha yes,and also players who become 60 just before world bosses are 6/6t2 with Lava and all soul things, and call themselves pro but can't even heal rkl with 900 healpower lmao
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    Mehmet Emin Şahin

    Mehmet Emin Şahin
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    Full t2 set all soul misce.. Sets Lava hammer relic but cant rk lol
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    Ovidiu Florin Cristache

    Ovidiu Florin Cristache
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    Yeah ,i haved a similiar situation today ,full t2 tank and lava shiled and didnt knew tactics for first boss etl .Wiped two times because of him .
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