I'm selling my account contact me for details *Ranger Nickname 1453! On android ( energy and arena tablets essences blessing scrolls and more..) have all gear (pvp , asas t2, archer t2, all soul accesories , all lava weapons , sunsaya and more) [lava sigil dagger quest done just need lava core for legend dagger] * Heroes of order and chaos * All heroes avaible 40 level and 3v3 ranking list 27th * http://graph.Facebook..com/440341219383235/picture
Why not save it, maybe you wanna play later! However... You can get good money for your account i think... I wanna buy it but i already know i can't afford..
I think i dont want play after 15 months and i will my job after military service u know i am sailor and internet not avaible on ocean :p
Thanks Francesco,I have a mission for 15 month, i wanna more play with you but i must going to military.Selling my character doesnt matter for me, I dont think to sell to someone who doesnt know to play. Doc do you think I make jokes :P
Hmm that sux... That will be a big misson Well i didn't know if you made a joke or not xD Especially because it is an good account..