If u androidians get lvl up souls will be useless, lava will be useless if not upped to legendary.. I recommend all to save up some runes and buy buffs for exp anf if y want the thingy that adds +100 at your prof. Then save them for later use. If you have lucky crosses buy your selves essence of god.
It costs the same in terms of runes hahaha. If they can some rune buff is well useful.. 1mio400k 68>69 1mio600k 69>70 i believe it can be very annoing lvling without any buff... LOL
Scl? You mean Salien Lower city? Sorry we call this dung GSL idk why. How can I tell you.. All that is old is becoming useless only thing maybe to keep i 4/4 t2 ring necklace cloack trinket but.. You will eventually find a blue or Green item better (but no bonus then).
That is game but. i Love this game for you cant Full with your real money. But all passed day gameloft changed stragety. 1 year ago.. No Body cant Full with Rune. They must run dg for essence. Now: have you moneys you can Full early