I've had it with gameloft I'm not gonna log in again till the servers are FINE this is a disgrace gameloft doesn't have the 3 most simple things any mmo rpg game should have 1. Stable servers (even without this sync problem they aren't that good) 2. Customer Care (had some good customer care the first 2 months of the games release but now its a complete joke) 3. Real Programmers (I've read reviews of former gameloft employs that quit because of extreme low payment and said that gameloft isn't willing to take any new ideas for bussnies etc etc that the servers are the cheapest possible for the game on the market and that its no place for experienced programmers most of them are complete noobs that take any kind of jobs) Without these 3 simple things gameloft won't be getting any money from my pocket I can assure you !