Server down like yesterday maybe 4 horus that's cause they make to much server sync pls stop that or do it late at night
lol Id suggest starting a new Character..thats all I could do..I have joined a new server and in the last two days there has not been one sync! Let me know if you want the server name... I know it sux starting over but it was worth it for me.
Well you can just start a new one with a new slot if you want..... But Im guessing you dont have a free one?
I agree!..For some reason though they are not even doing anything about it...Its as if they really dont even care...But they do this with all here titles it seems. Buy the idea from someone else then release it with no future support.
HEre in Canada for time is really late at night or early in the morning..but our server got jacked by Koreans and they seem to be on every god damn HOUR!