Selling so, I´ve been unable to play on my tablet, the...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Brian Poggio, 7/21/13.

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  1. Brian Poggio

    Brian Poggio
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    so, I´ve been unable to play on my tablet, the game doesn´t work so I decided to downloaded in my phone but the screen is too small , it is hard to play hehe , anyways , I got some questions: I´ve been running around trying and I can´t find the QUESTS to level from level 60 , can somebody tell me the level areas? Also, I heard I could change my look, how do I do that? I always wanted to do it because when I started playing I chosed a random look which I never liked hehe. Form Monks.... they removed our blessings? can´t find them, the new talent tree is confusing to me, I guess I just gotta get use to it. Any answers I appreciate, I feel like a noobie lol , but I had stopped playing for so long I am basically a noobie with a level 60 monk with epic gear lol.
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    Miro Cholakov

    Miro Cholakov
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    if you wana be heal put all in heal tree and vice versa.For leveling do dungeon finder-team>dungeon>scroll dungeon on normal gives 225k xp per run thru dung finder:) and is faster than any quest or mob grind:).You just need to learn new dung tactics thats all
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    Miro Cholakov

    Miro Cholakov
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    my advice find some good guildees that are farming it and make em explain you all tactics and run w em:) also buy mana pots ull need em
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