Question... Is anyone interested for a android acc with 3 character tank heal adds/ranger full epic I don't need more cuz I play only on iOS yet so write me
Robert don't buy it. I did that... To many times. Lost around 200€ to it. haha i know im stupid! =) But anyway, if an seller is clever he can set an backup for his email so he can change email pass as well and ur fcked. My tip, dont buy anything anymore unless you know that guy from out of game so you can kick his love you lol
and dont forget if you want the back up email he could have backup of the backup email as well and so on n so on xD
hmm well its on other players to decide that. but dont think ppl buy it.. Hopefully theyre more carefull now...
Looool a acc like Mine for 15€ iTunes is like Christmas xD but is ok i have a Buyer ... He is Lucky and me Too Lol Idk what all you Problem Nobody is like everybody so See ya