Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by chuckdeezy209, 5/10/16.

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  1. chuckdeezy209

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    This post is for serious gamers only, if thats not you go ahead n stop reading now. Before i jump into the details about the account i ask that you keep in mind ive been playing for almost 4 months now and have invested approx. 2 grand on this game. Im not leaving the game because its boring or anything like that i just dont have time like i used to. That being said here are the details on my account.

    Hq21 little over 59 million power and growing.

    Commander 48 really close to 49 (max is 50) i also have legendary construction and attack gear.

    Almost 9 million confirmed kills so im pretty high up in the rankings there.

    My combat research is pretty good infantry tactical and armored vehicle attack/defense all 8/10 except for infantry defense which is 9/10.

    Artilery and troop health/defense all 7/10.

    My current troop count approx. 1.8 million troops all t3

    trap research attack/defense 7/10

    trap count 100k all t3 (a full lvl 20 wall)

    to me when buying an account that stuff there is your bread n butter alot of troops n traps and the research to back them up sure the accounts comes with rss boost attack/defense boosts shields and crates and plenty more but if your wondering about all that inbox me im willing to do what it takes to sell this account to someone willing to continue what ive spent so much time n money on. That being said lets talk about price ive spend exactly 2375 usd on this game and im not looking for even half that to be honest im not even looking for a quarter just 500 usd is what i want but even then i could be willing to negotiate for a little less if i feel your willing to give it a good fight.

    Thank you if you've reached this far in my post. Please contact me asap im looking to sell quickly.
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  2. OP

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    im 61 million power now with a infantry defense at a 9 and the tecticle 9 defense started and commander level 49 make me an offer
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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