Selling  OPS 52, Server 32 US, Top Alliance, PVP Focused and Great Group $3000 OBO

Discussion in 'Star Trek Fleet Command STFC Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by briannc766, 5/9/23.

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  1. briannc766

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    My Location:
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    Taking offers on my iOS server 32 STFC account. I've invested 20k in this account and made some great friends along the way over the last 3+ years but it's time to move on from this game.

    Selling this account for $3000 and it provides:

    RSS - 1 Trillion Steel + (1 Trillion in tokens), 1 Trillion Trit + (99 Trillion in tokens), 136 Billion Raw Dil + (30 Billion in tokens)

    Top 100 in power on the server - 94 million power
    Tier 8 Pilum 35 mil
    Tier 10 Valdore - 27 mil (cloak)
    Tier 9 ISS Jelly - 15 mil
    Tier 9 Sarcophagus - 11 mil (cloak)
    Maxed - D4, USS Enterprise, Augur, B'Rel, Gladius, Amalgam (w/cloak) and G3 & G2 ships
    3 Maxed Meridian w/skins
    3 maxed G3 miners (K'Vort, Valkis, Antares)
    G4 Miner Volta Vor Tier 6
    Maxed Discovery
    Maxed Vi'Dar w/skin
    2 Stella's w/skin

    New Support Ships:
    Tier 5 Defiant
    Tier 7 Mantis
    Tier 6 Cerritos
    Tier 4 Vi'Dar Talios

    84 Maxed Officers - 12 Epic, 22 Rare and 50 Uncommon

    Every Officer unlocked with the exception of (Avery, Odo 16 shards away, and missing most recent PIC officers from April ARC)

    Faction Status:
    Federation: Respected Lock
    Klingon - Commended
    Romulan - Champion
    Augment - Ally
    Rogue - Outlaw (27mil rep)
    Bajoran - Ornathia
    Ex-Borg - Friendly

    Syndicate - Level 25

    Ton's of research, primes and buildings leveled up as well. PM me if you have any questions or want more info
    #1 briannc766, 5/9/23
    Last edited: 5/9/23
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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