Selling  Wizard Boosting [CHEAP]

Discussion in 'Wizard101 Boosting and Leveling - Buy Sell Trade' started by AnKu47, 5/8/23.

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  1. AnKu47

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    My Location:
    Looking to level up your new wizard?
    I am willing to level up your wizard with or without a good inventory.
    When I am leveling/questing for you I will limit the amount of gold I spend. If you have any requests during questing (such as spending gold and trying to level a pet while I quest) please let me know! This is YOUR account and YOUR money, YOU choose. **Depending on requests, prices may differ**
    • Have an active membership OR zones purchased (Need access to the worlds to actually be able to quest.... duh)
    • Payment MUST be upfront (Just to prevent anyone from not paying at the end, Sorry!)
    Packages - Cheaper than buying worlds specifically *See DISCLAIMERS/MISC for additional package info*
    • ($55-65*) Level 60 - You should end around Zamunda (1/3 through Zafaria)
    • ($40-50*) Level 50 - Not positive where exactly I'll end but I will end at lvl 50\
    • ($?) Level 60 - House of Scales Hat, Robe, Boots. Sky Iron Hasta (You should have enough XP for lvl 61 actually)
    • ^^ Price varies based on the amount of times after the initial House of Scales run
    • *These prices vary based on what I am working with. A brand new account with no gear no pet, no TC, nothing, will be looking at the higher end cost. I am willing to have a conversation on account items that could bring the price down**
    WORLD SPECIFICS - Want only specific world(s) completed?
    • Wizard City - ($5)
    • Krokotopia - ($8)
    • Marleybone - ($11)
    • Mooshu - ($14)
    • Dragonspyre ($16)
    • Celestia ($18)
    • In order to be able to do this, I must have access to your username AND password so I am able to log on and quest!
    • Although I will utilize your login, DO NOT give me or anyone else your master password as this is the significant password that will control your account!
    • I encourage you to change the password BEFORE and AFTER the service. I want you to feel comfortable since it is your account.
    • Within the Level 50/Level 60 quest packages, I quest throughout the MAIN STORYLINE WORLDS to get to said level ONLY. This means I will NOT go through side worlds such as Wysteria, Grizzleheim/Wintertusk, etc! The only exception to this may be Mount Olympus as I would want to get the Sky Iron Hasta wand to help speed up questing.
    • I can promise you that I will complete your service within a reasonable amount of time!
    • I do also do special requests and these prices will be #. These can include completing side worlds, trying to level up pets WHILE questing, High Priority/Fast Service, ETC. Please feel free to let me know WHAT and for HOW MUCH you would like any of these special requests!
    Feel free to add me on discord if you are interested or have any questions!
    Discord : Anku47 #0240
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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