Selling  Android and iOS  High End Whaled EA-1 Account for sale

Discussion in 'Evertale Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sorentwi, 5/8/23.

  1. Sorentwi

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    51 SSR Chars at various stages of power, plus lots of mats to continue powering us as you please. VIP 10 and halfway to 11. A highly competitive account even in EA 1.4. More info available upon request.

    BLud - 200
    Lancelot - 200
    SElmina - 200
    DJeanne - 200
    Bride Jeanne - 180
    WSnow - 180
    SAntares - 180
    Norza - 180
    Rin - 180
    Mizuchi - 160
    EReina - 160
    Shuten-Douji - 160
    Bahamut - 160
    Artimeia -160
    Shirra - 140
    SOssia - 140
    WElmina - 120
    Freya - 120

    4 copies:
    EMysha - 200
    LJeanne - 180
    EAlira - 180
    OG Astrid - 140
    Merdain - 1
    Imran - 1

    3 copies:
    Haku - 160
    DCallen - 120
    Cinderella - 80
    OG Elmina - 80
    Vesh - 1
    Gawain -1

    2 copies:
    OG Lud - 140
    Saya - 160
    FCallen - 120
    EOssia - 120
    EAstrid - 120
    SRolotia - 100
    FMirai - 80
    LElmina - 80
    Grenzor - 1
    Vonn -1
    Lucius - 1

    Single Copy:
    ERizette - 140
    Fornaxos - 160
    Shanna - 120
    Altaireon - 140
    WCallen - 80
    Tiamat - 80
    Gyurelle - 80
    LAnya - 1
    Merlin - 1
    FHibiki - 1
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.