Selling 340 Million Account - State 126 ADSE

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by p3rcyp, 5/8/16.

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  1. p3rcyp

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    A serious gamers account for sale ready for the next stage of the game but I don't have the time anymore.

    Currently 3rd in Power
    1.3 million T4 Troops.
    6.8 million T3 Troops
    50/50 split of T3 and T4 traps
    100 million Research Power with level 6 cores research complete
    Commander Research completed with Troop Attack and Defence both at level 10. Only a few more left to complete the commander research.
    Advanced Traps complete up to level3 and only 2 more researches to complete level4.
    All buildings lvl 21.
    500k gold
    Excellent stats for both attacking and defensive.

    Asking Price is £5000. There is almost £20k in this account.

    Message me with offers or questions
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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