Selling  High End Divine pet 94Heal 92Mheal 79Electric, 16 chars 8/8, 3 not fully maxed, 22 total slots.

Discussion in 'Realm of the Mad God Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by wako333, 5/5/23.

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  1. wako333

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    Hello currently im selling my high end/late game rotmg acc, i have several really good equiped chars, some with event whites + plentifull of items in vault (240 vault slots, note that i have a lot of st sets and a bunch of shatters marks if you would want to craft some shatters uts) i also got 1 char slot unlocker in gift chest so the total of character slots its 23, i also have 200k+ fame, my account its kinda old, being 8 years old,i've got unlocked almost every blueprint from o3, i have several exaltations in specific in wizard and knight, also i got 3 ppe running at the time if you also want to continue them (Necromancer, Mystic and summoner) i will link a video with the content of the account, i will accept offers, also i will only accept upfront payment in usd to my paypal account, i will not accept other ways of payment, DM me on the following discord so we can discuss everything:
    DC: wakoo#0957
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    #1 wako333, 5/5/23
    Last edited: 5/7/23
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  2. Neal Russell

    Neal Russell
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    If the account is still for sale I will buy it today! Dc tag: Russ#4076
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