I have a Col2 account with 8 full glory pisces heros. They are Abrosia, great sage, landslide, skull mage, Renee ven, chiron, enchantress and wonton they are all pisces with full glory plus I have a level 150 enchantress aid with 3000 extra shards. Plus I have pan golly at capricorn with 4 pan golly aids at level 170 skill level 15. I also have demon slayer and sapp at libra. I also have berzerker at libra with 8 glory plus a extra to add as a glory or break in to shards plus 2500 shards to evolve him more and last I have arcane caster at 6 glory at leo with 2 extras for glory or shards plus 5000 shards you could take her to capricorn just need mutagin. There are some other things I know I forgot to add but check out my base drock1982 I am in equilibrium and normaly have about 4400 trophies can get higher but don't do all my ll chances.
500 is ok for it man but remember u need to sell your Facebook. make sure u dont want Facebook. any mre
Yeah i made Facebook. for this game and sorry i spent 500 last month so i could not let it go for that
Serious buyers can text me at 4252298140 also forgot to add that my average br score is 100m and i placed 21 in hero trial last week plus vs are all maxed or 29
am so sorry for my bad offer but thats why i hate col2 cuz even my account i spent 2000$ and hardly i got 300$ on it cuz very hard to get buyers its not like clash if clan where lots of trades going on any way i hope u get above 1000 bro
It's ok bro Its just that I have spent over 10k and need to at least get enough money back to pay back one of my credit cards there is a lot more to the account then I am sharing
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