Sold EU Wargaming account (WoW and WoT ) 65 USD

Discussion in 'World of Warships Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Corvus002, 4/20/23.

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  1. Corvus002

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    The World of Warships - got over 27.000 battles here with 53% victories .
    With this account come 21 premium ships in port: Tier 6 Italian Cruiser Duca D'Aosta, Tier 6 French Aicraft Carrier Bearn, Tier 7 Polish destroyer Blyskawica, Tier 7 destroyer Haida, Tier 7 American Cruiser Flint, Japanese Tier 9 battleship Musashi, Japanese Tier X cruiser Yoshino, American Tier 9 cruiser ALASKA, American Tier 9 hybrid battleship Kearsarge, Tier 10 American cruiser Salem, Tier 9 Russian cruiser Kronstadt, Tier 10 Russian cruiser Moskva, Tier 10 Russian cruiser Smolensk, Tier 10 Russian Battleship Slava, Tier 9 German cruiser Siegfried, Tier 9 German cruiser Agir, Tier 10 Battleship G. Kurfurst, Tier 10 German aicraft carrier M. Immelmanm, Tier 9 French Battleship Jean Bart, Tier 10 French cruiser Colbert and Tier 10 destroyer Vampire II. Basically with the money you would spend in the official shop on seven Tier 9 ships, by buying my account you get 21 ships, nine of them being Tier 10. Pretty good investment.
    Beside the premium ships, there are multiple commanders (in their experience I have invested a lot of time), some of them have 18-21 skill points, there are also over 100 permanent camouflages for various ships, over 100 flags with different designs.

    ships tiers 6-10.jpg

    For those interested also in tanks, the World of Tanks account was created long before the WoW's account, I have over 60.000 battles here. I got bored, so I started to sell my tanks for credits, even the premium ones, knowing that the premium ones can be recovered. They range from Tier 2 to Tier 9. Some can be recovered directly from the game, the others can be recovered via tickets (usually this doesn't take more than 24 hours).
    In the garage you will find two premium tank destroyers, enough for you to make credits to recover the other premium tanks, or experience regular ones, if you want. Few lines are researched until Tier 10. There are a lot of camouflages available. In the barracks you'll find over 200 crew members, various nations, many of them have 2-3 skills, some of them even have 4 skills.
    If you're a beginner, you should know that old WoW's and WoT accounts receive nice prizes when the anniversary times come.
    These accounts (which merge into one, as you should know) were created for Europe region.

    The price is 385 USD. I prefer the PayPal method of payment.

    #1 Corvus002, 4/20/23
    Last edited: 4/26/23
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  2. OP

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    Can't edit the text of the original post anymore, the price is 65 USD (!)
    Also ,,Basically with the money you would spend in the official shop on seven Tier 9 ships, by buying my account you get 21 ships, nine of them being Tier 10." no longer fits the original price, because I have lowered it. Now it's even better investment.
    #2 Corvus002, 4/29/23
    Last edited: 5/9/23
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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