Sold Whale Good Side Acc, Gil-galad R16,GTW R16, Theoden R17, GTG R17, Dwalin R25, Full Good Influence

Discussion in 'Lord of the Rings Rise to War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dax Ryland, 4/25/23.

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  1. Dax Ryland

    Dax Ryland
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    I am looking for 750$ but will consider your offer
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    Quick response in discord shining_undead#9345

    Good-Side influence 90/90
    Commander: Respect | Pulled
    Tier 3
    Gil-galad: 16|3/3
    Gandalf The White: 16| 3/3
    Aragorn II, King of Men: 7| 3/3
    Galadriel: 7| 3/3
    Isildur: 5| 3/3
    Radagast the Brown: 3| 3/3
    Dain Ironfoot: 3| 3/3
    Elrond: 3| 3/3
    King of the Dead: 3| 3/3
    Thranduil: 3| 3/3
    Thorin: 2| 3/3
    Treebeard: 2| 3/3
    Cirdan: 1| 3/3
    Beorn: 0| 0/3

    Tier 2
    Theoden: 17| 3/3
    Gandalf The Grey: 17| 3/3
    Aragorn II: 9| 3/3
    Legolas: 8| 3/3
    Frodo & Sam: 7| 3/3
    Arwen: 5| 3/3
    Elladan: 5| 3/3
    Gimli: 5| 3/3
    Balin: 5| 3/3
    Elrohir: 4| 3/3
    Denethor II: 4| 3/3
    Eomer: 4| 3/3
    Imrahil: 4| 3/3
    Celeborn: 3| 3/3
    Falgin: 2| 3/3

    Tier 1
    Dwalin: 25| 3/3
    Eowyn: 11| 3/3
    Hirrgon: 8| 3/3
    Boromir: 8| 3/3
    Haldir: 7| 3/3
    Merry & Pippin: 6| 3/3
    Faramir: 6| 3/3
    Ori: 0| 3/3

    Evil-Side influence 45/90
    Tier 3
    Witch-king: 6| 3/3
    Sauron: 3| 3/3
    Sunind: 3| 3/3
    The Undying: 0| 3/3
    Kirun: -| 1/3
    Black Serpent: -| 0/3
    Beruthiel: -| 0/3
    Cestaro: -| 0/3
    Saruman: -| 0/3
    Skalhelm: -| 0/3
    Oglurg: -| 0/3

    Tier 2
    Gothmog: 5| 3/3
    Lurtz: 0| 3/3
    Grishnakh: 0| 3/3
    Adunae: 0| 3/3
    Lathar: 0| 3/3
    Mouth of Sauron: 0| 3/3
    Quran: 0| 3/3
    Azru-Khor: 0| 3/3
    Khamul: 0| 3/3
    Glasha: -| 1/3
    The Shadow: -| 0/3
    Zegrid: -| 0/3
    Ugluk: -| 0/3

    Tier 1
    Ugthak: 3| 3/3
    Khaldoon: 2| 3/3
    Agzok: 2| 3/3
    Gorbag: 2| 3/3
    Grima: 0| 3/3
    Shark: 0| 3/3
    Shagrat: 0| 3/3
    Yusraa: 0| 3/3
    Maltok: 0| 3/3

    image_2023-04-25_16-28-49 (2).png image_2023-04-25_16-28-53 (2).png image_2023-04-25_16-28-59 (2).png
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  2. OP
    Dax Ryland

    Dax Ryland
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    Waiting ur offer
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. OP
    Dax Ryland

    Dax Ryland
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    Suspended Status: This user has been suspended for terms of service violations or fraud practices Banned Status: This user has been banned due to fraudaulent acts against others

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    Drop Price 750$=630$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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