I'm Selling one of the Strongest Accounts on the Platform LoyGame. Currently one of the Best Rush and Decent in Power battles,it has some Tarot Cards,Elite Awakened,Awakened,Godlike,lots of Legendary Cards as well. If you're interested and want more details and information please comment down below. What You're getting: -Level 70 -Silver - 1 200 000 -Gold 4200+ Gold -PvP Medals 4900 + At least 240 in Mail with Horses. -Maxed out Levels for Buildings -VIP 5 almost VIP 6 -Nearly Full Legendary Equipment,with extra Legendary Equipment for potential Godlike Forging.(Only missing the Weapon,but the Epic one is 12/12) -Undead,Halfblood and Elf are level 50 in Reputation! -Over a 1000 Different Awakened Fragments for Various Races. -Ranked Top 3 in 1v1 and 7th in 2v2 on the Local,Rank 10 in 1v1 and Rank 30 in 2v2 on Cross. Awakened - 1 000 USD , it's literally 1 000 USD alone for the Elite Awakened.It has 4 Awakened in total,Varkus the Blight,Elven Rebel,Elven Legionnaire and Werewolf Howler. Tarots - They are both Legendary - But that's 200 USD for each,so a total of 400 USD for this one.The Devil and The Death. Godlikes - We've got those,and there is one more Fire Ruby on it's way.But what are our Godlikes? Archangel Michael,Archangel Raphaela,Blessed Dragonkin and Prince Serka.Maybe not the best Line-up,but still pretty good right? Legendaries - 141 Legendary Cards at the moment! Among others within those Cards are - Emperor Augustus - King Vel'Assar - Undead King Bael - Demon Hunter Azrael - Mifzuna the Wind x3 - Emrys The Unyielding - Fenris the Butcher - Big Shuck - Ryli the White Witch - Maia the Shadowblade x2 - Tariel the Phalanax - Gringheist - Sensei Calista - Sorann the Unforgiving - Osiris - Pan x2 - Diabolos - Tarsis - Lettice Twinstrike - Nagaroth the Fury - Deception x2 - Swift Death x7 - True Shot x3 - Premeditation x3 - Double Stab x3 - Swift Raid x3 - Deadly Blow x3 - Betrayer's Gate x2 Epic - Oh We've got plenty of those,among others the best Epic Card is Redmaw Addelmace we have it.We do have Ilha,Lumminers,Goddess of Love Qetesh x2,Pan. So,yeah this is one of the best Accounts on the Platform,for the kind of Luxury You're getting in it,this Account's total Value is 4 000 USD,but I am going to be fair to Your Wallet,your Financial possibility and You as a Buyer and sell it to You for 1 300 USD. If You want this Account,comment down below or send me a private message or contact me on Tarik Loygm on facebook..Enjoy!!
Update! More Awakened - Werewolf Howler x2 New Tarot - The Temperance Disinformation x2 And some Legendary Fairies.