Wts warrior 6/6 s3 full gem. 4/5_ 6/6t4 tank 4/6t4 dps many mounts epic pets with shirts fml, agl mzl rfl fcl bnl csl vtl and the normals shirts both lava gems 5/6 t4.5 tank/dps many gems lvl5 and china gems lvl5 with 1 pendant (tank) also include a fk 4/6t4.5 and 2/2 t4 full gemmed sets of 2/2 of tank t3.5 many vanitiess have his won guild lvl2 have 23k gold pm if want to know more info OIS AF server pm for pics come with email. 300$ credic card pm or kik me Xx.Lindox